RPG publisher Onyx Path has another successful Kickstarter for their Werewolf: The Apocalypse line. A deluxe edition for a W20 Apocalyptic Record has been funded.
The campaign has over three weeks on the clock, and backers for the popular game continue to push the total higher. You can see the latest figures or join in from the pitch page.
Apocalyptic Record requires a copy of Werewolf: The Apocalypse and contains five chapters on in-character reports, and each chapter has story hooks.
In addition, Apocalyptic Record has a whole chapter on the metaplot that runs through Werewolf: The Apocalypse roleplaying game with advice for Storytellers on how to use it.
It’ll be a limited-edition hardback.
Through tales, songs, poems, and art, the Garou and Gaia persist. They remember all that went before, in painful, exacting detail. Even when it tortures them to do so. They share these stories not just to commiserate, but to sow wisdom. They believe, and they’re right to do so, that by spreading their stories of triumph and failure, joy and misery, battle and peace, sacrifice and slaughter, that they may become greater than their ancestors and hold a chance of saving Gaia and their people.
There are more ways to meet the Apocalypse than in the thick of carnage or in the depths of despair. One such way, is through the telling of tales. Wisdom is as great a trait as Glory and Honor, after all.

A pledge of $5 is enough to secure access to the post-campaign Pledge Manager. However, the first thank you rewards are given to people who pledge $35 or more. Those rewards are a PDF copy of Apocalyptic Record, a discounted print-on-demand coupon, and your name in the book.
At $80, the deluxe hardcover is added, and at the time of writing, this is the most popular tier.
Higher tiers, some exclusive to retailers, exist, and the estimated delivery date for the deluxe hardback is December 2023. That’s two years away. The other tiers are due a few months earlier, in May.