It’s the week after Gen Con, and so, as predicted, there’s no shortage of RPG news and new tabletop releases to dig into.
Also, this week, Geek Native is working out who to send superhero rubber ducks to. That’s right, a Patron’s gift program. They’re not big ducks; they’ll go in envelopes and, provided I don’t run out, will go to site backers now and those who sign up before the deadline.
Really, though, we’re not here for ducks. We’re here for RPG news. It’s a week with France making some news, with Asmodee, the giant, apparently for sale carrying the price tag of €2bn.
How much is a billion? To get a billion Euros, you would need to earn €54,764.51 every day and do that for 50 years. Asmodee wants twice that.
Also, from France, Mondo hasn’t forgotten about the Batman RPG they mentioned.
Drama? You bet. Of course, there’s drama, and this time, GAMA took decisive action.
Now, let’s dig into that RPG news!
Win Blossoms
RPG news from Geek Native
- We know the winners of the 2021 ENnies.
- Why don’t you turn your return to tabletop gaming into a charity fundrasier?
- Free League Publishing has landed the license to do a Blade Runner tabletop RPG.
- The largest game publisher conglomerate in the world is up for sale as Asmodee looks for €2bn.
- Roll20’s latest data confirms D&D still leads by miles and miles of market share but that Call of Cthulhu is growing.
- Edge has announced they’re porting Legend of the Five Rings to 5th Edition.
- Chinese media is brewing their own version of a Satanic panic.
- Explore the aftermath of the Witch Wars with the free to download Children of Midnight quickstart.
- Alternatively, 1920s style comedy (think Jeeves and Wooster) in this free quickstart for Flabbergasted! RPG.
- Or, the steampunk adventures of the secret Inferno society as another free quickstart.
- Geek Native reviewed the impressive OSR zine Knock v2.
- I also took a look at Warhammer FRP’s Archives of the Empire v1.
- The third review of the week is the Mandalorian RPG called This Is The Way.
- Following the release of D&D’s official Witchlight release, they took part with other creators in the DMs Guild’s Domains of Delight program to expand it.
- Many other publishers also released Feywild products, including Splinterverse with their Feywild Companion.
- Kobold’s Guide to Gamemastering is available as an audiobook.
- A successful Brazilian RPG inspired by African folklore, Kalymba is coming to Kickstarter.
- Meanwhile, Monte Cook Games has announced a 5e project Planebreaker.
- Geek Native had an advance preview of the forthcoming megadungeon creating EIDOL.
- D&D’s exclusives have reached the UK, as Zavvi get what Entertainment Earth has in the United States with “exclusive” AR pin badges.
- Edge Studio partners released several GENESYS RPG bundles.
- Goodman Games has a Bundle of Holding deal for Mutant Crawl Classics.
- In Humble, there’s a whole bucket of digital downloads for 5e and one physical book in the Tomes of Lost Magic bundle.
Spotlight: Sanguine Games
RPG news from around the web

- French publisher Monolith shares some updates on the upcoming Batman RPG.
- Paizo has responded to allegations of a toxic environment and deny firing any whistleblower.
- Cubicle 7 has revealed they have 15 full-time employees, 29 people who work for them and unannounced new product lines coming. The publisher also showed us Empire in Ruins.
- Wargamer notes Your first look at the Strixhaven sourcebook – Owlin and mascots.
- Christian Hoffer pulls together The First Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons Previews.
- Sean Owen Roberson isn’t leading Pinnacle Entertainment and will be doing two jobs as he becomes the Creative Director at Palladium Books.
- Forbes notes that Van Richten’s Guide To Ravenloft Gets A Silver Edition Box.
- Bully Pulpit Games has hired production artist Javier P. Beltran.
- WizKids will release new D&D Ravenloft Miniatures.
- Catalyst Games has unveiled Shadowrun: The Kechibi Code.
- GAMA has delayed the Origins Awards until next year.
The Wild Beyond The Witchlight

- CBR offers up What to Know About The Wild Beyond the Witchlight’s New Backgrounds
- Geeks of Doom takes a look at The Wild Beyond the Witchlight.
- Boccob’s Blessed Blog also reviews The Wild Beyond the Witchlight: A Feywild Adventure.
- Polygon notes that The Wild Beyond the Witchlight campaign is Dungeons & Dragons for theater kids.
- CGM also suggests the book is putting the “Wild” into “Feywild”.
- While on EN World, Beth Rimmels has put together an in-depth review.
RPG reviews and interviews from around the web
- Reviews from R’lyeh write up Mew-Tants! and Chaosium’s old Stormbringer RPG.
- Angel’s Citadel offer up a two-for-one with reviews of Ironsworn and Ironsworn: Delve.
- I think it’s a new review… Tabletop Gaming looks at Wanderhome.
- It is news, Nerds on Earth reviewed Wanderhome too.
- Polygon noted The Yawning Portal D&D terrain is an over-the-top modular toy playset, and also I love it.
- Roleplayers Chronicle wrote up Fallout the Roleplaying Game.
- Bones of Contention reviewed the sandbox setting Night Land.
- Jared Rascher shares first impressions on Decuma, City of Cats, and Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20.
- Seed of Worlds digs into Kobold’s Midgard Campaign Setting.
- Halls of Nephilim venture into the Bloody Theater.
- On, Antonios S calls it brilliant with a review of The Children of Fear.
- Signals from Delta Pavonis shared first impressions of the Tombpunk setting Rogues.
- Game Industry News reviewed Starry Forest Books’ Gamer Baby Role-Playing Games.
- Privateer Press reviewed their own Steen Comer about Iron Kingdoms: Requiem.
RPG new releases

- Runehammer Games have smashed the release button on RPG inspired by the metal “War Pigs” by Black Sabbath. It’s Viking Death Squad.
- Runehammer also published the master edition of Index Card RPG.
- PunkApocalyptic: The RPG gets its first supplement and it’s from designer Robert J Schwalb with The Scumbag’s Guide to Scrapbridge.
- Chamomile Has Adventures continues the impressive 12 Kickstarters in 12 months (launching the products on time after) with Harlequin’s Guide to Cities and Poison.
- Total Party Skills is selling their grim and post-humanity OSR ORC+BONE playtest edition.
- Star City Savages have released a Savage Worlds setting of endless seas called The Drowned War.
- Cubicle 7 give us the Age of Sigmar Soulbound: Champions of Death.
- Hessan Yongdi has released the 18th-century Korean historical drama RPG Sageuk! Roleplay in Joseon.
- BrambleBerry has a Name Your Own Price journaling game called Roommates: I’m Just Not Sure.
- Dennis Mohr has launched the fantasy anthropomorphic RPG Fantastic Tails.
- Inspired by Double Fine’s hit Psychonauts, Del has published Psychomasters: A Psychonauts TTRPG.
- After a very well funded Kickstarter, Mighty Narwhal Production has released the Morra Cinematic Gaming System.
RPG bundle deals
- Save $50 (50%) with Paratime Design’s 2020-Bundle of maps.
- Save $14.98 (50%) with Lore Wise Games’ Fantasy Art – Dark Gothic Series (66-68) bundle.
- Save $7.28 (33%) with Rarr! I’m A Monster Publishing’s T&T bundle.
- Save $7.29 (19%) with Independence Games’ Rider Core bundle.
RPG ideas, tips and discoveries
- Ben and the Genre Police discuss the not-so-simple sandbox approach to RPGs.
- had the idea of artfully mashing up D&D and Pokemon.
- Bandcamp suggests we Enter the Dungeon With These Tabletop Game Soundtracks.
- Box full of Boxes shared a Religion generator.
- Matt Stormcrow shares their consent checklist for World of Darkness and modern occult RPGs.
- Dyson’s Logos blessed us with The Rumbledown Ruins.
- Sly Flourish wrote up Thinking Through the Eyes of our Villains.
Roleplaying Tips helps out with 9 Ways to Prep For Sessions Faster - World Anvil shares their thoughts on Best Mapmaking Software For Spaceships and Ship Maps.
RPG Crowdfunding
You can see those Kickstarters and other crowdfunding campaigns that caught Geek Native’s attention over at Kickstarter watch. Here are some industry projects worth a mention;

- Simian Circle Games offers up a gonzo cosmic expansion rulebook with Far Away Land RPG: Adventures in the Materiosphere
- James Floyd Kelly has funded the next magazine for Referees in Old-School Essentials with Delver #2: Resources for the Random-Rolling Referee
- Moonmare Games is running a large campaign for stylish coloured dice. SPECTRUM SHAKERS – An Earth Inspired Polyhedral RPG Dice Set
- Paintingswow has raised many tens of thousands for Wild Earth dice : The Cosmic Collection.
- Ross Cleveland is running a project to create an RPG of crafting, combat and character with Myriad – Tabletop Role-Playing Game
- It’s a D&D 5e campaign guidebook. It’s Nolan Locke’s Exquisite Corpse.
- Black and White Media are offering a gothic horror of a roleplaying game with The Dark Histories vol. I: Corrupted Flesh for 5e, 3e & STF.
- Jeremy Thompson has a dungeon crawl, new classes and features in Damned in Darkness, a Mork Borg scenario and supplement.
- Roe Caulfield is funding a tabletop RPG about baseball, friendships and growing up. It’s Play Ball!
- SkeletonKey Games is has funded hand-finished scrolls good enough to frame if you don’t want to use them as props. It’s the Arcane Scrollworks: Ascension.
- Gamer dice on offer with Town of Click Clack RPG Dice by Questing Tools
- Vivid Worlds has funded an RPG zine and a party that never ends with The Bubblegum Rave.
- One Gold Piece has funded over a hundred printable and pre-supported 32mm minis with DARKEST SKIES.
- Tim W has a small compendium of spooky-themed stories on offer in Masque’s Bite Sized Stories: Holiday Spooktacular
- Guillermo Buenfil has funded ready to play mini adventures with Micro Dungeons Halloween Edition for DnD – $1 USD.
- Adam Hancock, a Platinum bestseller, has funded a set of connected fantasy planes in a fractured multiverse. It’s Demiverse: A Campaign Setting for 5e & Those Who Wander.
- Blueshift Nine joins the dice options this week with SkullSplitter Vice Dice Collection With Sharp Edges.
- Awfully Queer Heroes has adventure for levels 1 through to 20 with lots of LGBTQIA+ content in the Tower of the Soul – 5e campaign location.
- Paul Smith has minis of Gorgaxx the Mighty and The Dark Hollow Delvers
- Keith Karnage wants to help your minis look better with Base Bashing Vol. 1
If there’s a source or news you think is worth monitoring, please get in touch or leave a comment below.