Game: Cursed Empire; Roleplaying in the World of Thargos
Publisher: Spartans Unleashed
Series: Cursed Empire
Reviewer: B_Steele
Review Dated: 30th, May 2005
Reviewer’s Rating: 9/10 [ Something special ]
Total Score: 29
Average Score: 7.25
Cursed Empire (formerly known as Crimson Empire before a name alteration) is a fantastic high-fantasy/high-gothic fantasy setting that takes place in the war torn world of Thargos. A constant political struggle between domineering Knightly Orders and “freedom fighting” southerners makes for extremely interesting parties, and can lead to some excellent inter-character drama.
There are multiple character classes, with subclasses defining them even further. From warrior to wizards to priests to the unique and self-destructive Darkun cultists, every character can be as individual as the player wishes it to be.
Cursed Empire _is not_ a d20 clone or servitor. It uses its own mainly percentage-based system that, while taking a few games to get the knack of, is ultimately fantastic to use. The pride of the system, in my opinion, is its elaborate yet simple armor system that automatically takes into effect the wearing of armor due to battle damage and how its efficiency grows thin over time.
It is a fantastic world with a great new set of rules to get involved in, and with several sourcebooks already out and more on the way–Cursed Empire is a great RPG setting and system to unleash upon your gaming group! Stop by the website and check it out!