Want money off your DMs Guild shopping?

It’s an excellent time to snap up those purchases. Until the 10th, the DMs Guild will be giving 10% of all sales to the not-for-profit gaming accessibility group DOTS. They make, among other things, Braille dice.
But money off for you? Here are two ways; firstly, through to 7th Dec, you can use the coupon code DECGEEK10 to get 10% off any digital purchase of community content worth more than $10.
Secondly, you can try and win a $20 voucher. Log in to the widget below and complete missions to earn entry points to enter the prize draw. You won’t be asked to spam or tag friends. You won’t be asked to sign-up for anything. I do need the login, though, as the widget uses atmospheric noise! to be genuinely random and manage the entry logistics for me.
The DMs Guild is run by OneBookShelf and Wizards of the Coast. It sells third party D&D content. That’s RPG material made by other people, not Wizards of the Coast, which follows specific licensing rules. It’s a way for people to earn money by writing for the game.
a Rafflecopter giveaway(T&Cs apply | Ends 13th Dec 2021)
I’ll email the winner and will need two things from you. I’ll need the email address you use to log into the DMs Guild and I’ll need your permission to give that to them. Why? That’s the address the $20 voucher will be active for.
If there’s a DMs Guild creator you want to support, then consider nominating them for the RPG Publisher Spotlight. You can do that by getting in touch or making suggestions on Discord. The latter has been in “soft launch” for weeks. Ahem.
You can also ask a Geek Native Patreon to suggest the creator as someone to promote in the daily newsletter. We’ll need to find an image banner for that, though. I can’t make ’em. No talent.
If you’re thinking about running a Kickstarter for something that might interest the DMs Guild community and want it featured on Geek Native, then this page of tips is a good starter. As you’d suspect, old news is no news, making it much harder to write about.