Italian freelance artist Ezd hasn’t appeared on Kickstarter before and so might have a bit of a challenge, but the project looks promising.
Collecting funds is “About a World”, a worldbuilding narrative handbook that’s good for D&D and other RPGs. The goal is €2,500, and with more than a month to go, there’s nearly €800 pledged. You can take a peek and see if that tally has changed on the pitch page.
On offer is a guide to help you avoid getting stuck when planning your next campaign or session as DM or Gamemaster. These techniques apply to fiction and authors too.
Printed on 120g paper, in A5 and with a spiral binding to lay flat, About a World has three main sections. These topics are;
- Regions and Environments
- Cities
- NPCs
The first topic is often where adventure happens, the second full of schemes but also often powering the world’s economic model and the last the vital element to hold everything together.
We won’t lie, this project was born from a very personal experience. Other than being enthusiasts role players in the same party, we are world builders and parents of countless characters, that we move into paper worlds and digital spaces. One day, at the end of another session set in an homebrew world, full of bizarre NPCs, exotic landscapes but more than anything full of notes scattered everywhere, a question came up spontaneous to us: what if there’s a more practical way to keep your own “world” always well organized.

A digital copy of the guide is there for backers at only €5. That’s only £5. A steal, I feel.
At €12, that A5 copy is added, and worldwide shipping is offered, and since the project is coming from Italy, we all benefit from EU-sensible prices.
The team are talented artists, so higher tiers exist with extra art added. At €18, About A World printed charts and 2xA5 prints join the rewards.
The benefits stack up until the top tier of €50, and it’s not impossible to see €50/£43 as the minimum reward level on other projects.
The project is slated for a September 2022 delivery.