Mikhail Shapiro is a New York-based artist who sells mechanical dice boxes online.
What’s a mechanical dice box? It opens up with spins, twists and motions. It might remind you of a lament configuration from a Clive Barker story, but it’s not cenobites that come forth but dice.

Shapiro has multiple versions of the mechanical dice boxes, but this black and gold one fits two whole gamer dice sets of seven.
As you might imagine, there are some small parts here, and the box isn’t a toy. The recommendation is to keep it away from anyone under 5, and I’d add ten years to that if I had one!
The good news is that the store ships internally, but it can take up to three weeks for dispatch. Shipping times would be added after that, but it’s not too expensive, thanks to Etsy’s systems, which include carbon offsets. The box is £47.47, and shipping adds a further £13.01.