It’s not free to download but Mongoose Publishing has made the 72-page Traveller: Explorer’s Edition available from DriveThruRPG for $1.
You can download it from the site where it has already become a copper bestseller. Mongoose may be charging $1 rather than making this edition entirely free because there is a minimum price for downloads on DriveThruRPG to qualify for the best selling badges.
The full Traveller rules, updated for 2022, are an electrum bestseller and made available in October. They’re 264-pages and $30.
Traveller is a game of exploration and space adventure, exotic aliens, ancient ruins, laser fights and clash blades.
The Explorer’s Edition is designed for newcomers to the game and includes enough to create a whole campaign and characters to play in it.
Risking confusion, perhaps, while the Explorer’s Edition is intended for newcomers, there is also the 2017 Traveller Starter Set from Mongoose, which is not only older than the 2022 edition but more expensive at $39.99 and more extensive at 336 pages.
Quick Links
- Download Traveller: Explorer’s Edition
- Download Traveller: Core Rulebook