There’s so much ill in the world right now it takes something mind-blowingly scary to hit the news. The Tornados that swept through Kentucky in the United States was such an event.
The MEGA Bundle for Kentucky Tornade Relief is a coordinated response from OneBookShelf, the company that runs DriveThruRPG and dozens of publishers there.
You can get over $400 worth of top tier RPG products for less than $40.
And that’s just one deal! Low on cash? Pay What You Want Donation for Kentucky Tornado Relief exists.
Between the PWYW deal and the MEGA are two others;
- Any System Titles for Kentucky Tornado Relief $300.56 of RPG products for $24.00.
- Pocket-Sized Games for Kentucky Tornado Relief which is $72.88 worth of RPG products for $5.99.
Put those all together and you get the $800 value proposition.
Money from them all goes to the Team Western Kentucky Tornado Relief fund.
The disaster affected people in the hobby. Justin Andrews Mason of Paths to Adventure contributed to the bundle and has family caught up in the crisis.
Unpacking the MEGA bundle
I want to take the time to unpack the biggest bundle, which is the mega bundle and mention every title with the contributing publisher.
- IRONCLAW Omnibus: Squaring the Circle by Sanguine Productions.
- Beat the Boss by Practical Fox.
- Arium: Create by Adept Icarus.
- Tachyon Squadron by Evil Hat Productions, LLC.
- One Child’s Heart by Unicorn Motorcycle Games.
- vs. MARS by Denagh Design.
- Murkrag’s Compendium of Curios by Goblin Society Games.
- Sacred Burdens – A Trophy Dark Incursion by Zeke Gonzalez.
- Time Travel Dinosaur by Chooseomatic Books.
- City of Mist: Player’s Guide by Son of Oak Game Studio.
- [VDP 5E] Mage-Errant by Vorpal Dice Press.
- Big Trouble Setting Guide and Rules by B Drone Games.
- Lost Roads by Buried Key.
- No Angels Live Here (Occult Detective Agency RPG) by Thought Police.
- Descent Into Mirefen by Menagerie Press.
- Dire Roads by Battleaxes and Brimstone.
- Sprawlrunners by Manuel Sambs.
- Mythos Audio Library 1: Call of Cthulhu by Dream Machine Productions.
- No Thank You, Evil! by Monte Cook Games.
- Scarred Lands Player’s Guide (Pathfinder) by Onyx Path Publishing.
- Twisted Rifters: A Game of Floating Signifiers by Critique of Pure Dragons.
- A Piece of Rotten Fish – A Third-Party Mörk Borg Adventure by Sorchi Games.
- Universe Ball Anthology (Absurdist SciFi) by Universe Ball Anthology.
- They Came from the Stars II by High Calibre Wizard.
- Galaxy Prime – A Scifi Roleplaying Epic by Epic Age Media.
- First Watch by Lightraider Academy.
- Savage Worlds Adventure Edition by Pinnacle Entertainment.
- Suited Themes: Prehysteria Island by Escape Box Games.
- Wild Skies: Europa Tempest by Wet Ink Games.
- Welcome to the Hereafter Hotel – A Monster of the Week Mystery by Redgate and Wolf.
- Murder Most Foul by Sixpence Games.
- The Weathered Well by Hack Shack Games.
- The Kinetic Adept by Diamond Recreational Studios.
- Showdown by Dark Omen Games.
- Monsters of Feyland by Cawood Publishing.
- Epyllion: A Dragon Epic by Magpie Games.
- Fading Suns 4 – Universe Book by Ulisses Spiele.
- Bells of Eversnug, A Christmas Sidequest by Dog Knight Press.
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