Level Up 5e was a big Kickstarter success, attracting more than 6,000 backers and raising more than £700,000 in support. EN Publishing’s goal was to bring advanced rules to D&D’s 5e with the help of an experienced and diverse team.
The project was a success and the three core books are out with the bestiary Level Up: Monstrous Menagerie selling the best, then the Adventurer’s Guide and Trials & Treasures books hot on its heels.
The EN World RPG studio also made several free previews available.
The previews range in length from a half-dozen pages to well over and showcase content from the set of books.
The acronym “A5E” is used here, as EN Publishing does, to note “advanced 5E” and an effective but unofficial concept.
Blue Dragon for A5E

You can download the Blue Dragon preview from DriveThruRPG
The creature, as you’d expect, appears in the Menagerie book. There are nearly 100 pages of dragons in the expansion, including gem dragons.
Wraiths for A5E

The Wraiths preview was made available on the same day and also showcases content from Monstrous Menagerie.
Wraiths is the most petite preview of the trilogy, weighing in at just 6-pages but generous and impactful nevertheless.
Berserker for A5E

You can also download the Berserker class from DriveThruRPG.
EN Publishing argued that the Barbarian class, although traditional, was misnamed in D&D. The fact that a fighter came from a different culture didn’t make it a different class, nor did the fact that these warriors come from society outside of urban life make them barbaric.
What made the Barbarian special was the rage, and the warrior’s rage is more iconically represented by Berserkers. Equally, cultures of all descriptions could produce Berserkers.
It’s an interesting call and seems to align with Wizards of the Coast’s own line of travel. This is the most extended preview, coming in at an impressive 16 pages.
Quick Links
- Blue Dragon.
- Wraiths.
- Berserker.
- More about Level Up.