Just launched on Kickstarter is a $35,000 ambitious project to fund even more dice. It really has just launched; I stumbled on it in advance of my Friday write-up, and it’s too early to tell whether there’s any momentum.
On offer are dice-within-dice or, more usefully, other randomisers within dice. In other words, you could have a D1000 in the space of a clunky D12. Or you could have the alphabet, a slot machine, well, perhaps the project pitch will show you better than I can.
It’ll take a better engineer than me to tell you if these dice can be truly random. They work just with gravity and reels loosely hung on a suspended axis, and the energy of the rolling dice spins the reels, which then randomly come to rest after the dice dose.
The campaign will offer 11 different dice games and colours. The final dice project will be made with injection mold, not 3d printed, and I hope that helps Mor Milo scale the project if he’s successful.
Our innovative game dice concept opens the door for endless new games, and it also makes existing games much more interesting and fun to play. During the past several months we have developed and shaped our dice concept. We applied it to existing popular games, and we also invented new dice games for all ages. Our dice and game prototypes were tested successfully and registered as patent.
One set of dice requires a pitch of $30, and that’ll ship anywhere. Different $30 tiers include dice and instructions for the game, one for each game;
- Royal Yatzy
- The Categories Game
- Golden Yatzy
- Coloring bingo for kids
- Monopoly Game Booster
- The Letters Game
- The Words Association Game
- The Numbers Game – Pro
- The 3 Numbers
There’s also a two dice keychain option for $30.
It’s worth noting that you get different amounts of dice for various games. The Categories Game, for example, have d20 with 60 values in total, whereas Royal Yatzy is 5d6.
Delivery is expected for September 2022.