They might be better known for creepy RPGs; Greg (Unknown Armies) Stolze and Dennis (Delta Green) Detwiller of Arc Dream Publishing are also responsible for One-Roll.
One-Roll is a clever RPG engine in which a handful of d10s and a single roll determines so much. It’s a generic system but excels with superhero games like Godlike and Better Angels.
I think Better Angels, where the PCs are kinda-supervillains is especially interesting. It’s a Bundle of Holding deal on offer, running on a shorter clock than usual, due to finish on the 26th of January.
Starter Collection – $14.95
There’s a lot in this tier, and it has a retail value of $60.
- Wild Talents 2E
- Better Angels
- ORE Freebies
Bonus Collection
The threshold price, the weighted average of what people are paying, started at $27.95. It goes up with interest and unlocks a further $83.
- Black Devils Brigade
- Will to Power
- Grim War
- eCollapse
- This Favored Land
Money from this bundle goes to helping the world be a little less bit bleak, and some of it goes to support Direct Relief.
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