Posthuman Studio’s second edition Eclipse Phase is a mithral-badged best selling RPG at DriveThruRPG.

It’s a game about the post-apocalypse of humanity’s future in a setting where we’re battered, divided but also enhanced. Humankind has changed, bodies re-shaped, minds re-forged, but, above all, humanity has not changed, and we are as cruel as ever.
The full game costs nearly $25 for 432 impressive pages. If you’re playing, not running the sci-fi horror then the 112-paged Condensed Player’s Guide may be a more cost-conscious alternative at about $10.
Posthuman recently pushed the latest version of the Condensed Guide to buyers. The game’s FAQ has also been updated.
The nano drop Firewall Scratch Space Random Inventory is out, fresh this month, and Nano Op: Binge is confirmed for March. Patrons have it already.
Players of Cyberpunk RED might be familiar with Lifepaths in RPGs. Lifepaths are routes PCs have taken when faced with big questions and choices to get them where they are today. Lifepaths shape why a Player Character might be as they are now but are less significant than, say, character classes in determining what they’ll do next. Eclipse Phase uses them too.

Posthuman has confirmed they are “deep into” a new set of Eclipse Phase Second Edition Lifepath Rules, which will bring random lifepaths to the transhuman sci-fi game.
The studio is also working on a supplement provisionally titled “Morph Recognition Guide, Revised” that presents the complete EP2 collection of morphs, tweaks some, and introduces new ones.
Quick Links
- Eclipse Phase Second Edition Condensed Player’s Guide