Steven Cummings is a talented illustrator who has worked on computer game projects but is probably best known for RPG and comic book art.

Based in Japan, Steven has illustrated for Marvel, DC, Image and Udon Entertainment and also drew for an issue or two of Jim Zub’s Dungeons & Dragons: Evil at Baldur’s Gate comic book series.
Its original pages, Japanese Kent illustration paper, cut to an (approximate) US size of 11 x 17 specifically and pencilled by Cummings, which are for sale now.
There’s no eBay or eCommerce, just this gallery of illustrated wares and the email address to get in touch via.
Here’s how Amazon describes the series in the blurb for issue #1.
Minsc the Mighty—Evil Beware! The Baldur’s Gate heroes return to the city at last, but their time adventuring in Ravenloft and the frozen northern reaches of the Realms has changed them. Each of them must face great trials ahead before they’ll be ready to embrace their destiny.
A new hero of the people roams the streets of Baldur’s Gate, and Minsc feels left behind despite his own legend. Can he reclaim his place as the city’s Beloved Ranger? Whatever happens, evil is going to get its butt kicked most thoroughly!

Steven Cummings recently worked on the first in the series of Star Wars: Crimson Reign and watch out for the forthcoming charity anthology Claimed AMong the Stars: A Sci Fi Romance.
Quick Links
- The Evil at Baldur’s Gate pencil art gallery.