For over five years, Night Shade Books has been collecting short stories, novelettes and novellas from sci-fi to create annual collections of the best.
Today, a new deal with more than six thousand pages of sci-fi content launched on the Bundle of Holding. The opening tier presents 2015 content, and we got up to 2019. So, no, this isn’t the latest; this is a catch-up.

Best SF Sampler – $5.95
The retail value on offer weighs in at $54 for these stories.
- Best Science Fiction of the Year V1
- More Human Than Human
- Not One of Us
Complete Collection
The total retail price of everything on offer comes to $128, and to secure it, you have to meet the current threshold price. That started at $19.95 and will go up and down as people offer money to the bundle.
- Best SF of the Year V2-5 – 4 books
- Galactic Empires
- The Final Frontier
- The Eagle Has Landed
The Bundle of Holding’s usual charity partner, the pandemic fighting Direct Relief, gets a cut of the money raised.