Crimson Terrain’s Kickstarter It’s Tough to Be a God is 5e rules expansion in its final days.

The creator Anthony Qualkinbush has also just released a 9-page preview.
The Kickstarter is to fund 5e rules for gods so that players can not just fight them but play as them.
The complete set of rules introduces the new Oracle class, new ancestries, monsters and magic.
The preview offers up the Nephilim Ancestry, Divine Feats and Neostan the Tusked One.
Nephilim Ancestry
The Nephilim are both blessed and cursed creatures. They are born from the forbidden union of a mortal and a cosmic being that exists on the fringes of divinity. Not gods but the lesser beings at the edge of this classification. They are hunted from the moment of conception by creatures both good and evil. Some seek to use them for their own gains. Others seek to destroy them believing their very existance breaks the laws of the multiverse and threatens to unravel all that is and ever will be. If any of this is true no one truly knows. But they are hunted regardless
Neostan the Tusked One