This week, Foundry VTT and DriveThruRPG announced a new partnership.
It is now possible to sell premium Foundry VTT content on DriveThruRPG. The system is integrated so that those purchases can be unlocked via the Foundry virtual tabletop.
There are nearly 50 modules from the partnership already available on DriveThruRPG. That means you can browse by price, newly available content and what are the hot sellers.
Geek Native has gone for the last option and has compiled a snapshot of the top five Foundry VTT modules a day after the news broke.
Top Foundry VTT modules

- The Demon Queen Awakes for 5e and an adventure designed exclusively for Foundry.
- Heroic Maps – Essentials: GM Starter Pack from S and J Bilton, aka Heroic Maps, and 10 locations.
- Heroic Maps – Giant Maps: The Heart of the Beast which is pair of 50×50 battlemaps showing the blood vessels and heart of a giant monster.
- Foundry Ready: Medium City 1 which is a dynamically lit version of the classic city from Gabriel Pickard.
- The Dead Mines from Antoni Sobkowicz and a two-session adventure for either D&D 5e or 3.5e.
The partnership makes sense as DTRPG is a dominant retailer in the marketplace, although competition is growing and therefore a place gamers go to discover new content. Now they can find Foundry VTT content as well.
Not only has OneBookShelf, DriveThruRPG’s owners, been selling Fantasy Grounds modules they are maintaining Astral Tabletop. Astral Tabletop, another VTT, is in stasis after development ceased and the founder left.
Virtual tabletops find themselves in an even more competitive marketplace than the RPG content marketplaces themselves, and FoundryVTT has rapidly become the challenger in the space. Gamers like the system’s pay-once-have-forever model, even if server space may still need to be found.