Blowing raspberries (thbbft!) to the satanic panic era, Wizards of the Coast have licensed 78 official D&D tarot cards and a guidebook.
The set is on pre-order now and due out in May. You can find them on Amazon and indies like
The deck lines up notable characters from D&D fiction and creatures with Tarot’s Major and Minor Arcana of the Rider-Waite Tarot. In particular, characters are the Major Arcana and the suits of the Minor Arcana map to the suits from Minor.
If you know more about D&D than Tarot, there’s a booklet to walk you through the basics. This is an officially licensed product, but it’s not a game product.

The Tarot will be published by Clarkson Potter, illustrated by Fred Gissubel and the guide book written by Adam Lee.
Rev. Adam Lee has wrestled with bipolar and is also the author to Is Mental Illness Demons?: Understanding Mental Illness from a Christian Perspective. The book urges Christians not to treat people with mental health issues as outcasts. This makes Adam Lee an interesting choice for penning a D&D guide to Tarot.