It feels like a long time since we visited N00b Mama. Long-time readers will have had the chance to follow this talented creator from launch to the 6K+ Facebook follower strong and Twitch streamer we have today.
That’s right, together we get to the do the annoying “I knew her before she was famous” brag. I doubt Mama approves!

Not only does this three-panel comic strip make sense it feels right. In my circles, at least, it’s far more usual to take your kids with you LARPing than to send them off to a sports camp.
I suppose there’s an argument to say that sportsball is a healthy kicking exercise in a way that kicking goblins isn’t entirely. But, I dunno. The great thing about LARP is that it doesn’t make anyone millionaires at the expense of the loyal masses.
To me, LARP feels much more community based, much more indie and inclusive. But it’s not a contest, and you can do sportsball and LARPing as a family.