On Marvel, there’s an interview with Matt Forbeck and a look at the Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game he is writing.
The new game marks Marvel’s return to tabletop RPG publishing in a world that now has the fantastic success of Marvel movies. Not only that, the game comes out to a Covid-19 era world in which gaming has become much more mainstream. And it’s coming out soon.
Marvel’s RPG is due out in playtest form on the 20th and will have an introductory scenario and rules for Spider-man, Captain America, Captain Marvel, and Wolverine.
The website shares a brief look at the layout and some questions to Forbeck.
d616 core mechanics
Of the new sample pages shared, the introduction to the core d616 mechanics is one of them. It begins with The Action Check.
We can also see that Marvel is using the term “Narrator” instead of Gamemaster.

Often the heroes perform actions that are certain to succeed. If so, the Narrator simply describes what happens. For Instance, if Peter Parker wants to talk to the corner mini-mart to pick up groceries for Aunt May, the Narrator simply describes what Peter finds at the mini-mart.
However, heroes sometimes want to attempt actions that could fail. What happens if you try to clobber Doctor Doom? Do you hurt him, or do you hurt your first on his body armor? What happens if a Hydra agent walks past when you’re sneaking into their headquarters? Are you able to find cover in time, or does he spot you?
Anytime the circumstances make it challenging for a character to complete an action, the Narrator calls for an action check to resolve what happens.
To resolve an action check, you need three six-sided dice (each referred to as a “d6”); two regular ones and a special one called a “Marvel die.”. This particular configuration of dice is referred to as a d616.
An official Marvel Multiverse ROle-Playing Game die has a special Marvel logo in place of the 1. If you don’t have a Marvel die, just substitute an ordinary d6 of a different colour from the other two dice you’re rolling. Or roll one of the dice separately and call that the Marvel die.
In the Q&A with Matt, the gamer describes a little more how the d616 mechanic works.
One of the coolest bits of the game is the new dice mechanic. You roll three standard six-sided dice, one of which is the Marvel die. If you get a 1 on the Marvel die, you get a fantastic result and something amazing happens. If you get 6 on both of the other dice—or a 6-1-6 result—that’s an ultimate fantastic roll, which is even better.
Quick Links
- Pre-order the Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game: Playtest Rulebook.