The original 2004 Eberron Campaign Setting from Keith Baker contained an 11-page adventure called The Forgotten Forge.

You can download The Forgotten Forge for free now. DriveThruRPG dates the PDF as 2019 when it was last updated, but it was only made available this week.
Wizards’ infamous legacy disclaimer appears on the DTRPG listing, a reminder that the adventure was written nearly twenty years ago. We’ve had a whole generation born, grown and introduced to D&D 5e.
The blurb says;
This adventure is designed as an introduction to the world of Eberron and is intended for a party of four 1st-level characters. Adjust the encounters accordingly for groups with fewer or greater numbers.
This adventure takes place in Sharn, the City of Towers. It begins, as many incidents in the City of Towers do, with a corpse. A warforged assassin, a mysterious blank book, and an offer from a House Cannith heir leads the adventurers into the depths of Sharn—eventually to an ancient ruin dating back to before the creation of the Kingdom of Galifar.
There are three maps in the download and a picture labelled “Iron defenders protected the ancient site”.

A follow up to The Forgotten Forge was published in the Dungeon Magazine and called Queen with the Burning Eyes. A third in the series, Shadows of the Last War, also followed that year.
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- D&D 3.5 download The Forgotten Forge.