Scott Taylor has been the editor of Black Gate Magazine, a director at Skull Island Expeditions, worked with Wizards of the Coast and was the art director at Gygax Magazine.
Scott’s Kickstarter for FAST, an RPG that offers expansive settings and cinematic play and supports infinite genres, was funded in seven hours. Fortunately, you’ve nearly a month in which to decide whether you also want to be a Kickstarter backer.
Notably, Scott Taylor has previously created 63 Kickstarters. FAST is not his first roadshow, and his list of potential backers is non-trivial.
FAST is in part inspired by comments Shayne Hensley made about Savage Worlds. Taylor attributes this quote to him;
I designed Savage Worlds in the way I did because I’m a lazy DM
The idea is that FAST lightens the load on GMs so they can create games without hours of prep. It’s a complete RPG, and that includes magic rules and settings chapter. The rule system uses a d10.
Kim is rolling up a new character, and rolls at D100 (percentile dice) three times, getting a 31, 57, and 92. Deciding she wants to make a Combat oriented character, she assigns the 92 to her character’s Physical attribute, giving her a 9 (with a 2 remainder that will be utilized later when her character gains experience). She then decides that as a front line fighter, she’ll need a higher Resilience next, so the 57 is placed in that attribute, providing it with a 5 (and a 7 remainder), and finally she will assign her Mental attribute with a 31, making it a 3 (with a 1 remainder).
Size-wise, FAST is about 120-pages, a colour hardcover and about 9×11 inches in dimension.
The $20 tier for backers is rewarded with a PDF copy of the rules and all digital stretch goals.
Backers who get to $40 will also get the hardcover, and there’s worldwide shipping at a cost.
There are higher tiers, including $50 and $80, which have 8 different FAST modules.
The estimated delivery is January 2023.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!