The news from last week is that Mophidius is launching a new RPG. It’s set in the Achtung! Cthulhu universe of Nazis and dark magic and will use the 2d20 system.
Cohors Cthulhu takes that mashup of history and Lovecraftian horrors and swaps in the Roman Empire.

But it’s not an RPG, it’s a transmedia project, and that’s a phrase I usually blog about in my anime coverage. It is an RPG, but it’s more. In anime, transmedia have their animation and mobile or computer games, comics and books.
The Cohors Cthulhu transmedia will include a tabletop RPG, narrative co-operative wargame, fiction line, and miniatures range.
Chris Birch, Modiphius’ co-founder and CCO, is helming the project. The lead writer is Douglas Seacat (Warmachine, Hordes, Iron Kingdoms RPG), the RPG lead is Matt Goetz (Iron Kingdoms RPG, Pathfinder, Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition), authors John Houlihan (Achtung Cthulhu, Mon Dieu Cthulhu, The Seraph Chronicles) and Nick Brown (Agents of Rome), are attached as is Modiphius’ 2d20 Developer Nathan Dowdell (Star Trek Adventures, Dune: Adventures in the Imperium, Fallout 2d20).
It’s the art that stole my attention. It looks amazing! I thought there was a Cohors Cthulhu computer game coming, but not that I can confirm. The names artists are Bjorn Barends (John Carter, Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Image Comics) and Phroilan Gardner (Conan, Diablo III, League of Legends, World of Warcraft).
Cohors Cthulhu gallery