Another busy week! How are you doing? One less thing to worry about is where and how to get your RPG news.
We’ve RPG news right here!
This is a week in which;
- Outland Entertainments buys some RPGs, growing their market share.
- VTT challenger Role launches its first free game, and D&D Beyond update its official T&Cs.
- There’s a new D&D playtest.
- Privateer Press’ Iron Kingdoms Requiem is out.
- Modiphius’ Cohors Cthulhu was confirmed.
Also, this week, Geek Native talked to the mutant lord William McAusland. The interview is part of the RPG Publisher Spotlight series, and William runs Outland Arts.
That’s the publisher behind The Mutant Epoch RPG.
Okay! Time to follow those bullets with even more bullet points and the promised RPG news.
Win: Mr Root t-shirt
RPG news from Geek Native
- Modiphius expand the Achtung! Cthulhu universe with the transmedia Cohors Cthulhu.
- Outland acquires the micro-RPGs Pocket Odyssey and Dice Odyssey.
- Outland also bought Christopher Helton’s Action-Heroes.
- Role, a novel VTT challenger, just published their first digital but PDF free (and free to play) RPG Chrome.
- Studio Agate, who barely survived the pandemic, has a secret project and just released 11 sourcebooks.
- WotC try again with their Dragonlance playtesting with Heroes of Kyrnn Revisited.
- Pelgrane Press share the 13th Age sourcebook cover for Behemoths: Paths of the Koru.
- Free League offered up some art ahead of the Blade Runner RPG.
- Brian Barlow offers a free download of the homebrew 5e’s Realm of Myztros Player’s Guide.
- HisCursedness released a Name Your Own Price 5e adventure in Blood and Claw.
- KiwiRPG Week kicks off with game launches and streams next week.
- In the Bundle of Holding you can find Arcana Games’ 5e Arkadia and dicegeeks’ Random Tables.
Spotlight: Outland Arts
RPG news from around the web

- Wizards of the Coast confirm Spelljammer is coming to the Adventurers League.
- D&D Beyond reflects its pending new owners with an official Terms of Use update.
- Green Ronin have announced Modern AGE: Cyberpunk Slice.
- R. Talsorian Games release the Cyberpunk RED DLC Salvaging Night City.
- Vladimir Olivares tackles Marvel Multiverse RPG’s Disability Representation Is an Important Step for the Genre.
- Yahoo News loops back to Inside the World’s Greatest Dungeons & Dragons Game.
- Dicebreaker’s Alex Meehan notes Twilight Imperium roll-and-write game coming from Forbidden Stars co-creator.
- ICv2 covers Monte Cook Games will release “Cypher System: The Origin”.
- Polygon notes Beadle & Grimm’s latest batch of products for Magic and Pathfinder is a bit of a mixed bag.
- That Hashtag Show covers Cinemacon: First Footage of Dungeons & Dragons: Honour Among Thieves.
- /Film reminds us You Can Expect a Lot of Dungeons & Dragons Movies and TV Shows in the Future.
- Cubicle 7 shares a look at WFRP: Winds of Magic – Folk and Folklore of the Empire.
RPG reviews and interviews from around the web
- The TTRPG Factory reviews Ozaka’s Guide to Legions.
- Rob Wieland gives us a First Look at 2D20 Fallout.
- Then, at Forbes, Rob shares A Look Inside the GI Joe Role Playing Game.
- Refereeing and Reflection dangerously looks into Kult: Divinity Lost, Second Wave Released.
- Jared Rascher reviews the brand new Death in Space
- The Alexandrian shares the second part of their Candlekeep Mysteries review.
- Technical RPG takes a look at Grim Hollow: The Monster Grimoire.
- Grognardia pens a retrospective of Lankhmar: City of Adventure.
- At the Roleplayers Chronicle, Aaron T Huss looks into Review: Renegade Game Studios – Second Inquisition.
- Stephen Reuille reviews Modiphius Entertainment – Tricorder Collector’s Box Set.
- The Yawning Portal team interviews the Ravenlost: Mist Hunters designer Steffie de Vaan and Gabrielle Harbowy.
- Goodman Games interviews Jen Brinkman.
RPG new releases

- Privateer Press has many releases. Why? The Iron Kingdoms Requiem game hits electronic shelves. There’s the;
- Free League Publishing takes us to a dying universe with Death in Space Core Rules.
- Urania Games has published the Cy_Borg supplement Idols of Flesh and Silicon.
- New to DriveThruRPG is the Discworld Roleplaying Game: Powered by GURPS Third Edition. Note: there is a Fourth Edition.
- Menagerie Press release the $1 core rulebook for the 2D6 System Westlands.
- Valeur RPG makes magic items easy with Wander’s Guide to Merchants & Magic.
- Vampire fans Kelly Black and Christopher Gunning have released a sect book called The True Hand.
- Cthulhu Reborn publishes their Eternal Victorian Era Starlight on the Gutter
- Paizo release the Pathfinder Book of the Dead.
- Modiphius already have a copper best-seller with Conan: The Shadow of The Sorcerer.
- Ink and Lyre have hit publish on their 5e setting Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria.
- Design Mechanism release their superpowered Destined.
- Transparent Games published 7 romantic LGBTQ+ adventures in What a Lovely Adventure Anthology.
- Did you worry you’d missed the chance? Forbidden Planet is taking pre-orders on the Limited Edition of Kobold Press’ Tome of Heroes.
- Handiwork Games’ baroque urban nightmare is ready for you. It’s a|state Second Edition.
RPG bundle deals
- Save $50.05 (50%) with the DMsGuild’s Encounters mega-bundle.
- Save $7.91 (28%) with the DMsGuild’s Iggwilv’s Ill-gotten Inventory: PDF & Fantasy Grounds bundle.
RPG ideas, tips and discoveries
- Melissa DeGenova pens a piece for Geek Native with Three TTRPGs inspired by music.
- Geekwood are selling these crafted wooden dice vaults.
- Who knew? There are official D&D socks.
- Roc Humet shares 5 Tips to Create Unique Fantasy Names.
- Jae at Master the Dungeon jots down How to run a play-by-post D&D game.
- The Monster Know What They’re Doing blogs Dragon Tactics, Part 4: Greatwyrms.
- Rae Nedjadi shares insight on The Three Session Rule.
- Tales of the Grotesque and Dungeonesque digs into Demon Lord vs. DnD: Classes and Paths.
- Lewis Pulsipher at EN World explores Worlds of Design: Plot Twists vs. Deux Ex Machina.
- The Blog of Holding works out the skills breakdown of Monster Manual monsters and notes the most “typical monster” has Perception and Stealth.
- The talented Black Armada navigates The rock of dramatic potential.
- Emily McGowin shares Surviving the pandemic with Dungeons & Dragons.
- Wargamer pens D&D Spelljammer guide – what is a Spelljammer, anyway?
- Stan Hogeweg of GameRant discusses How Dungeons and Dragons 5E Might Be Holding 6E Back
RPG Crowdfunding
You can see those Kickstarters and other crowdfunding campaigns that caught Geek Native’s attention over at Kickstarter watch. Here are some industry projects worth a mention;

- M.T. Black, the author of more than 50 RPG products, has one more to do as a cult with a sinister plot awaits you in Fraternity of Ash (5E).
- Howie is funding a video course and reference book called The Blue Collar Guide to Worldbuilding for Tabletop RPGs.
- Solgood Creations asked for £801 and now have £28, 982 for 3D Printable Stuff for Gamers and Painters.
- Loki Mini Game are also 3D designers offering minis in 35mm with Barren legions – Pre-supported STL files.
- MikeY is funding four action-packed adventures for sword and sorcery RPGs. It’s Savage Kingdoms: Heroic Adventures.
- Pharaoh’s Workshop has a Kickstarter to add your smartphone to terrain, tech to the tabletop with Vortex – Smart phone based portals, teleporters and scenery.
- Tab Creations has funded a dark sci-fi scenario called Disjunction for the Shadows Over Sol RPG.
- Troll Lord Games have funded a scenario for 1st to 13th level PCs in the 5th Edition Adventure: The Undying War.
- Kurt Team say you can hear the sound of bronze bells when you roll their Demonic dice set—The Hollowed Metal PRG Game Dice set.
- NevernotDM, the bestselling DMsGuild author, has an illustrated collection of Celestials in Professor Gilroy’s Heavenly Handbook.
- Hunter Valley Studios offers a game that promises to be both immersive and creative. It’s the DETHRONE tabletop RPG.
- Anthony Salvaty has funded bullet-shaped gamer Tactical Dice.
- Appendix N Entertainment has hit the goal for a Bestiary inspired by and featuring the art of Evlyn Moreau. It’s the Creature Collection I: A Bestiary for Old-School Essentials.
- Josiah Mork of Hoodwink Games has an ancient Canaan setting that offers historical accuracy and deities. It’s BaG RPG: Early Empires
- Paul Smith of Creative Sculpt Studio has some Oldhammer inspired minis in Dungeon Fiends 2!
- Evil Pigeon Games has funded a rich, hex-crawl location, suitable for many different RPGs and worlds as the Junkyard at the Edge.
- Jeremy Hart Illos has hit the target for 10 issues of the magazine in one volume which means more than 160 monsters in Creature Feature COMPENDIUM Vol.1 -for use with- OSE.
- Falconian Productions is funding a collection of interchangeable cults suitable for many settings. It’s the Far Horizons Guide to Cults.
If there’s a source or news you think is worth monitoring, please get in touch or leave a comment below.