The first Amazing Adventures had a 1930s-vibe and used Troll Lord’s SIEGE Engine, which Castles & Crusades uses. The next one, the one on offer here, by Jason Vey, was out in 2020 and uses D&D 5’e rules.
Despite the shift to 5e, and all the more impressive for it, Amazing Adventures has stepped forward to be a multi-genre RPG. So can still be a pulp detective or Nazi-fighting professor, a space opera hero, or Nazi-fighting cyberpunk.
The Bundle of Holding is live and without DRM until Monday 25th July.
Starter Collection $9.95
There are four titles in this first tier with a retail value of $1.
- Amazing Adventures 5E
- Brotherhood of William St. John
- Ruins of Ends Meet
Bonus Collection
The threshold price will move and started at $17.95 and, if met, will offer up a further $34 worth of adventures.
- Rise of the Red God – Rings of the Red God
- Deeper Dark Trilogy
- Day of the Worm
The Bundle of Holding’s charity partner Direct Relief gets a cut of proceeds which it uses to help fight the pandemic.
Quick Links
- Troll Lord’s Amazing Adventures.
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