Riley Ponton has been publishing free and helpful guides to Onyx Path Publishing’s Scion RPG.
Scion is a tabletop RPG about ancient powers born again into a contemporary world.
Players might be awakening gods, dragons, or other forces but will be caught up in the tides of fate.
The game uses the StoryPath system and has a host of supporting books. Ponton’s efforts help collate rules into free guides, helpful teasers, and one-stop shots.
- Scion Quick Reference Guide: Knacks is 17 pages long and lists every core Knack in the system.
- Scion Quick Reference Guide: Relic Design is three pages long, and that’s room to list every core rule for Relic Design.
- Scion Quick Reference Guide: Pantheons & Deities is 19 pages long and lists every deity from the Origin book, Mysteries book and Demigod book.
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