BlackBoxGames are back on Kickstarter with the sixth edition of their Tales from the Dungeon zine. It’s good timing as it’s ZineQuest season. The theme for this issue is Monsters!
Skylar Simmons on BlackBoxGames has backed 540 Kickstarters, and Monsters! is their second creation. It’s just possible that karma is on BBG’s side here. Furthermore, the entire archive of previous editions is Name Your Own Price downloads on Itch. You can try BlackBox before you buy, which is ironic given black boxes are generally a mystery until opened.
There are two weeks to get involved in issue 6 and pick up the archive with your pledge too. Geek Native has permission to share some samples, which I do below, or you can jump straight to the project page.

Tales from the Dungeon is 5e compatible and includes several “out of this world” monsters, plus;
- Monster specific loot
- A generator for “monstrous death”
- Unique art and concepts with a vintage twist for the modern gamer
The finished product will be 28+ pages and A5.
In the rural most parts of the realm, there is an old wives’ tale that’s been passed along for generations. The story claims that “When a young maiden bends backwards over a well and peers into the waters with a mirror, she will see a vision of her true love.”
Unfortunately, it is far more probably that the maiden will be snatched and downed by the insidious Brunnr Boggle. These hideous and evil fae live in wells and cisterns, preying on those that get too close. These Boggles prefer a diet of fine maidens’s locks, as a young woman bends over the well, these monsters use their pale and elongated dingers to snatch the girl’s hair and consume it while she drowns in the water below. The hideous monstrosities are humanoid, with pale white, almost translucent skin. The bear a featureless face, its only distinction is a mouth full of hundreds of needle-like teeth.
Tales from the Dungeon preview panels

Monsters! pledges
You can support the Kickstarter by sharing it on social media, not feeding the monsters or pledging some cash. If you pledge just $1, you’ll be rewarded with a PDF copy.
At $10, and if you’re in the United States, your reward includes a physical copy of the zine.
The last tier, $40, is also restricted just to the USA and includes Secrets, Psychedelics, Love and Epic Weapons, as well as Monsters in PDF plus this zine.
The estimated delivery of the project is in October.
Quick Links
- BlackBoxGames and archive.
- Monsters! Kickstarter