According to Companies House, Bancroft Publishing is a new group incorporated in July, focused on helping bring RPGs and board games to life.

The first partnership is with fellow Southend-on-Sea-based Dragon Turtle Games.
Dragon Turtle is best known for their Platinum bestseller 5e and Cyberpunk RPG Carbon 2185 and then the latter Terminal Overdrive expansion.
Terminal Overdrive has run into choppy waters, with some backers frustrated at delays and taking their anger out on vendors. Geek Native has been made aware of ongoing concerns.
Bancroft is bullish, though, saying;
Carbon 2185 is the underdog in cyberpunk tabletop gaming, and this dog has a bite! We’re proud to be working with the Carbon 2185 brand!
Dragon Turtle added;
We have partnered with our friends over at Bancroft Publishing to bring you a renaissance of officially licensed, canon, Carbon 2185 content. Bancroft will be developing and releasing digital Carbon 2185 content.

Robert Marriner-Dodds explained,
Per our licensing agreement with Bancroft, the lion’s share of the revenue from these projects will be kicked back to us at DTG and will go towards covering our expenses on Terminal Overdrive.
Bancroft will be working with artists, writers, and designers who have previously worked on Carbon 2185 content (myself included) to ensure that we keep the quality and feel of the game seamless between products from DTG and products from Bancroft.
I will personally be reviewing every single Carbon product from Bancroft and have the ability to veto any that I don’t think suit or enhance the game.
The partnership will begin as digital-only, but Dodds notes that any products that sell well enough will also get print runs through Dragon Turtle Games.
Hopefully, the new partnership will allow Carbon 2185 to move through the Terminal Overdrive saga to everyone’s satisfaction.