Unexpected Engagement is a 5e one-shot of romance and mystery that will be a 60-page long, scalable adventure inspired by author Joanna Mazurkiewicz’s Baby Yaga Legacy series.
There are also references to inspirational TikTok in the pitch, but polite dragons don’t turn up again in the project. The witchy romance has been funded, but there’s still time to join in from Kickstarter.
The finished adventure is described as a romance-mystery inspired by Baba Yaga, and it introduces a new monster to 5e in the shape of the Green Hag.
There’s a new legendary artefact with The Veles Amulet, details of NPCs, high-quality illustrations and maps.
Furthermore, there’s room for supporter names in the credits, and you’ll get a copy of one of Joanne’s novels with Yaga’s Choice.
The adventure is written for level 3 characters but can be scaled to suit levels 1 to 20, which is impressive.
You are invited to an exclusive Magical Banquet that follows an unexpected engagement and witch trials–-an evening filled with magic, romance, and death.
The banquet is a great opportunity for finding love and figuring out who is your enemy. However, social events are a Pandora’s Box. Small mistakes can lead to unexpected arrests, a tarnished reputation, public execution … and even dangerous magical trials.
To make things worse, one key guest at the party (the bride to be) is suddenly missing! You must find out what happened before the evening is over, but without rousing the suspicion of the other guests or potential love interests.

You can support the project by helping to promote the Kickstarter or pledging some cash. If you’re struggling for cash then there’s some special tiers that offer rewards for less money.
At £6, you’ll get the Unexpected Engagement adventure module and Yaga’s Choice story in PDF. Your name will also appear in writing and get a specially designed character sheet.
With shipping and printing to be added later, a pledge of £20 adds the paperback of the adventure to the list of loot. £25 and that print-on-demand coupon will expand to cover the hardback.
A signed paperback copy of Witch’s Rose and a PDF copy are added at £50.
Limited in number and set high at £165, there’s a Veles Amulet, dice, engraved dice box and special mention.