M.T. Black has penned over 50 TTRPG supplements, games and accessories on their way to success. There are more than 100,000 downloads and freelancing gigs with Wizards of the Coast on D&D as a result.
Now The Anatomy of Adventure is a healthy Kickstarter success with the promise to reveal the secrets of adventure design.

The Anatomy of Adventure exists already, and this Kickstarter is for the second edition. The new book will be twice as large as the first. There are twice as many words but no padding, as there are twice as many chapters.
There will be hard and softcovers and an ebook for the first time.
In this practical and engaging book, he steps you through his creative process while sharing the principles, tricks, and secrets he has learned along the way. A fantastic resource for beginners and professionals alike, there is no other book quite like it!
As usual, you can support Kickstarter with small cash pledges and spreading the news. However, if you can afford AU$12 (about £8), then a digital edition and Tomb of the Twilight Queen are rewards.
At AU$16, there’s also a print-on-demand voucher for the book, which means you have shipping to pay.
There’s one higher tier, at au$28, which adds a host of RPG PDFs and the 1st edition of The Anatomy of Adventure.
The estimated delivery is March 2023.