Housing Complex C is an anime from Japan, where it was made by the studio Akatsuki, being piped straight to Toonami. It’s due out on October 2nd, then straight to HBO Max the day after.
As you’d expect with a made-for-American audience teaser, the trailer is in English.
Adult Swim describes the horror;
Housing Complex C centers on Kimi, who lives in a small, low-cost housing complex located in the seaside town of Kurosaki where trouble seems to follow her wherever she goes, and horrific incidents begin to occur. Is an ancient evil stalking the residents of Housing Complex C?
The director is Yuji Nara while Jason DeMarco, the creative director at Toonami and a senior vice president of anime at WarnerMedia is the executive producer.
The show won’t be limited to the States, Adult Swim Canada is also getting it but it remains unclear whether it’ll head back East towards Europe.
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