SkeletonKey Games have a Kickstarter in action for a 5e splat-book called Slime. It may be an obvious play on words, but I don’t think I’ve seen it before!
Slime will have 5e races, subclasses, spells, monsters and other goodies for evil GMs. The campaign asks for $10,000 to fund and is nearly there on just the opening day. You can see progress or pledge from Kickstarter.

There’s a fully illustrated book, a Slime accessory deck of 54 cards, a set of adventure tiles called Sludge Farm with 20 double-sided battle maps and a set of hand-finished scrolls for Slime spells attached to the Kickstarter.
If funded, the book will be 96-pages and in hardback. Inside there’s;
- Gooey new subclasses for Barbarians, Druids, Monks, Warlocks, and Wizards
- Two new ooze-centric character races
- Three slimy character backgrounds
- 20 new spells
- 10 gelatinous monsters
- A spew of mildly gross magic items (and a few really gross ones)
- A detailed adventure location
- Tables, charts, maps, encounters, and more

A pledge of $9 is enough to unlock rewards, and those are the Slime Farm adventure titles in PDF, for VTTs and a print-on-demand code.
It levels up slowly, oozing next to $10 for just the Slime Accessory Deck in PDF or $16 for that in PDF and in physical form. Shipping will be worked out later.
The PDF of the core book is the single reward at $20.
There are plenty of tiers, but cherry-picking some of the notable ones out of the generous gloop of offers gives us the digital collection at $35 and then the hardcover version of SLime at $48.
Lastly, and with plenty of backers, there’s the $109 offer for the Slime unboxed set which has everything and is the only one to have printed adventure titles sent to you.
SkeletonKey Games estimate the project will be delivered around March 2023.