Enough OSE gamers looked at the Kickstarter for Fane of the Fly God and decided not to tell Jeffrey Jones to buzz off. As a result, Fane of the Fly God is happening and coming to Old School Essentials.
At the time of writing, there are well over 130 backers, and that’s enough to bring the fly-themed RPG supplement of deities, locations, spells and monsters through its funding goal. You can see the latest tally or join in from the pitch page.
Sound weird? It’s supposed to be. Jones says the supplement overflows with the imaginative and grotesque. It’s a 50-pound bag of high-quality mealworm grist.
A free-to-download preview of Fane of the Fly God is hosted on Google Drive.
There are some impressive projections on when the reward tiers will be delivered too, but also the warning the world is weird right now.
A delightfully grotesque dish created by adding one part Robert. E. Howard, and a handful of H. P. Lovecraft into the cauldron. Then We threw a VHS copy of the movie The Fly and stirred the mixture steadily over medium heat. Once the contents came to a boil, we threw in an armful of horror comics from the 70s, notably issues Eerie and Creepy. These had a faint, damp, mildewy smell from being in the basement for decades. We remove from the heat and let it sit until the stew thickness. We serve this dish to you garnished with maggots and season to taste with Jack Kirby.
You can support the campaign with any money or even by sharing it on social media. However, if you have $5 to pledge to it, you’ll get the Fane of the Fly God in PDF, and you also get into the add-ons.
At $28, a bit of a leap, but you get a printed softcover as well, but with shipping to pay.
The limited hardcover is more popular but sadly limited to the US and requires a pledge of $45. After the Kickstarter, 10% more editions will be printed than backed at these tiers for retail sale, and that’ll be the last of them.
There’s a $70 tier for US retailers, and at least one sees the sales potential.
Shipping, all being well, will happen this year and in December.
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