Chaosium’s community Miskatonic Repository Convention 2022 runs from the 14th to the 16th, and when it’s finished, the Miskatonic Repository Convention 2022 Bundle vanishes.
As a result, you’ll have to be quick to grab the 60% off on these 23 scenarios run at the convention.
The best way to get tips like this quickly is either from DTRPG’s own RSS feeds or Geek Native’s, which is far less noisy than all the DriveThruRPG updates. On the social media front, Telegram, Discord and Twitter are probably best.
Included in the bundle are:
- C.M.Arnold’s Zangari’s Apostasy
- Scott Cox’s Whispers from Wavering Hills
- Marek Golonka’s The Mist Sower – a Zgrozy scenario
- Kat Clay’s The Hammersmith Haunting
- Alex Guillotte’s The Grindhouse: Ultimate Collection – Vol. 1-3
- Paul Mazumdar’s Tears of a Clown
- Alison Cybe’s Stinky Orphans! a Call of Cthulhu Christmas Special
- Philip G. Orth’s Sound of the Sea
- Bridgett Jeffries’s Sorrow in Tsavo
- Marek Golonka’s Shepherd of Moths – a Zgrozy scenario
- Sabrina Haenze’s Saturday the 14th
- Dr. Benjamin Will’s Ravishing Beauty
- Chris Stewart’s Pop Goes the Weasel
- Nathan Pidde’s Overdue
- Heinrich D. Moore’s Little Torches
- Phaedra Florou’s Good Vibes Only
- Riley Kruger’s Fork In The Road
- Al Smith’s Field of Screams
- Evan Perlman’s Dream House
Miskatonic Repository Convention is an event for Call of Cthulhu! This is a three-day virtual conference highlighting and celebrating Chaosium’s Miskatonic Repository of user-made content on DriveThruRPG.
The event is free and includes games, seminars, and special guest Keepers. All content featured is for Call of Cthulhu 7e and is either published or in the process of being published on the Miskatonic Repository.
Quick Links
- Grab the Miskatonic Repository Convention 2022 Bundle
- Register for Miskatonic Repository Convention 2022.