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Welcome to the 2022 run of 12 Masks of Halloween, and let’s start this Geek Native tradition with a very specific mask.
High-Rise Invasion is an anime about people who find themselves in a world of towering buildings connected only by ladders and stalked by masked killers.

[Mask me]
The High-Riser Invasion mask shops from MaskapadeGB, which, as the GB suggests, is in the UK.
As a bonus, this mask also glows, and I’ve worn a glowing mask before and know it tends to attract welcome attention. Some reviews note that the mask is a bit small, but the dimensions are listed.

As this is an Etsy item, you’ll likely be taking a gamble to get it before Halloween 2022, but the 12 Masks of Halloween are all about building up a record of what’s hot this year.
Quick Links
- Maskapade’s High-Riser Invasion cosplay mask.
While this is the first 12 Masks of Halloween 2022 post, you can use this teleport link to leap through time and space, perhaps forward, likely backwards in time to previous years.