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Thunder Bay Press have an official Dungeons & Dragons’ Sticker Art Puzzle book due out. I noticed it first at Forbidden Planet, but it’s on Amazon too.
It looks great and has 15 monster showcases in the form of sticker challenges. The catch? The due date is January 2023, so it will not be out in time for Christmas.
The blurb reads;
Wizards, clerics, rangers, and rogues everywhere will enjoy hours of puzzling fun in the world of Dungeons & Dragons while discovering fascinating facts about the mythical creatures that inhabit its lands. This bestiary’s 15 sticker puzzles feature formidable creatures such as beholders, dragons, owlbears, and mind flayers, plus a few of the Forgotten Realms’ most legendary adversaries. Each puzzle contains more than 100 sticker shapes to be fitted into a tessellated grid–as the stickers are put in place, a full-color artwork of a fantastical monster from the world of Dungeons & Dragons will emerge. When you’re done, you’ll have a spectacular glossy art poster to display on your wall!
Thunder Bay is an imprint and part of Readerlink. Readerlink is a large distributor in the States, and Thunder Bay’s niche is interactive fun. Sticker challenges seem to qualify!
There are 15 monsters, but the sticker book weighs in 80-pages long. If not Christmas, perhaps a birthday gift, or, hey, sticky Beholders for Valentine’s Day?

Quick Links
- Pre-order D&D Sticker Puzzles: Amazon | Forbidden Planet