Ben Giles and White Witch Games gave us the free to download Vermilium quick start back in March and now the campaign for the complete RPG is out on Kickstarter and through the funding target.
Vermilium is a high fantasy in a newly-colonised world of humans, halflings, elves, dwarves and monsters. It’s not a new world built on the remains of a forgotten industrial revolution. Characters dig for information and treasure, but you find out more from the pitch page.
Ben Giles’ homebrew campaign setting is the seed of this organically-grown world, and now the award-winning adventure designer has brought it to the Kickstarter. Vermilium is noted by Kickstarter as the first campaign from White Witch Games, but Ben has released plenty through the Savage Worlds Adventurer’s Guild and is an Ace licensee.
The complete book will be a gazetteer for players and the GM, with information on factions, locales, myths and legends of the world.
The book has 10 character bloodlines, with cultural options for each and 50 new Edges and Hindrances.
Generators for adventures and encounters are included in the Vermilium core rules, with plot hooks, supernatural diseases, artefacts, magical contraband and rules for hunting and harvesting.
Vermilium also comes with nearly 100 profiles in a bestiary.
But what is Vermilium? There’s no gold in them thar hills. Instead, vermilium is a bright-red metal found across the Auroras as nuggets, in veins, and as dust in the rivers flowing from the Crescent Mountains. Seen to represent life, wealth, or divinity depending on who you ask, it acts as the unifying currency of the New World, and a driving goal for any antihero.
You can support the campaign and the indie designer by sharing Vermilium on social media, telling friends or even by checking out the free quick start. If you can pledge £13, your thank you from Ben Giles includes your name in the book and a PDF copy.
Backers who can support the project with £18 or more will also get a print-on-demand voucher, but there are shipping and printing costs to pay after.
At £25, backers get the Bennies & Conviction Tokens, character sheet, GM screen inserts, playing cards and world map in addition to the core rules and all in digital.
Those core rules are upgraded to a print-on-demand voucher at £30, the most popular tier to date.
White Witch estimate June 2023 for delivery of the project.
Is that the end of the story? Community contributions can be found in the comment section at the end of the page.