Ian Howard (One Breath Left) and Kurt Refling (Knots in the Sky, This Spells Trouble) have a tabletop RPG about the nostalgia of growing up centred around abandoned theme parks.
The game is called Here We Used to Fly, and if it feels niche to you, then you might be interested to know it is very close to funding and has over 100 backers. You can see progress and time left on the pitch page.
Here We Used to Fly is predictably rules-light, doesn’t need a GM and sessions last a few hours.
Less predictable is the twist that players have two versions of their characters; the child version and the adult.
The game progresses by playing out moments visiting the park.
Each character in Here We Used to Fly is built using two questionnaire-style Playbooks. One represents their childhood self, while the other represents their adult self. A Playbook is defined by a dominant emotion: for example, a character might be Kind or Angry or Spacey. Players answer leading questions to develop their characters, using their two Playbooks as an emotional map to find out who they are and how they changed.

You can support the indie RPG by talking about it. However, backers at just CA$1 will get an ashcan version as a thank you.
A full PDF version and an audiobook, with the option to buy a discounted print copy, are the rewards at CA$20.
The team, which includes Jedrzej Nyka, Katarzyna Kolodynska, Minerva Fox and Jean Verne, estimate an April 2023 delivery date.