The Mimic’s Vault’s first title on DriveThruRPG is free and an impressive 64-pages long. It’s The Meadows Player’s Guide.
Using 5e rules, the setting is a depraved neo-noir apocalypse. Here’s how the intro starts;
They say The Meadows can be a transpiritual dive into the world of desires and vices. Don’t be afraid to dip your toes, but try not to drown.
In this pamphlet we’ll explore what makes you who you are. We’ll look into all the philosophical concepts of alignments and what they mean for you. We’ll also talk about change and direction. On top of that, we’ll do a light background check on your work history. With this we’ll be able to let you know how to work and grow within The Meadows. I hope you’re as excited as I am, because there’s not really anywhere else you can go!
The single-column layout is easy to read, the writing clear, and there’s some art, although the cover is the only colour.
The 64-pages expand 5e as well as fleshing out this interesting new setting. Included are;
- Alternative rules for alignment and experience.
- 17 new setting-appropriate backgrounds.
- 19 factions and 22 NPCs specific to the city of The Meadows.
- 16 setting-specific feats.
- 26 modern and noir-inspired weapons.
- 6 different types of explosives.
- 6 different vehicles along with rules to use them.
- The Eldritch Automat (Magic Item store tables)
- 2 full maps with 31 locations.
The character generation invokes techniques more commonly seen outside 5e or D&D games.
A sample of the factions is Heaven’s Hammer.
Heaven’s Hammer
Imagine coming to The Meadows and NOT partaking in it’s wickedly decadent vices. I know, right?! Well that’s exactly who Heaven’s Hammer is. A bunch of religious neophytes all gathered under the banner of her holiness, The Prophet. The Prophet seems to think this whole ordeal with
the End is the fault of everyone here. They exact their stance with martial impunity. Just steer clear of them and you won’t get your bell rung.
Quick Links
- Download for free: The Meadows Player’s Guide.
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