How is it Friday night again? Is time behaving normally?
Nevertheless, it is Friday, which means a summary of TTRPG news and let’s kick off with the bullet point summary.
- Wizards of the Coast have explained how they’ll reduce sensitivities blunders.
- The D&D movie has been delayed.
- Frog God and Troll Lord have forged a Castles & Crusades alliance.
- Sean Owen Roberson is a new business partner at Palladium Books.
Are you worried about Twitter and the future of the platform? The RPG community there is strong. Geek Native isn’t on Mastadon yet (should I be?), but you can find other social profiles here, including Discord and Telegram, for updates, and Google News.
Mind you, speaking of Mastadon; Escape Box Games are offering 100% off a range of games with Welcome to Mastadon.
It’s also getting close to that shopping season, so expect this wee blog to take full advance and start sharing loads of gift ideas. It’s a good time for me to call out the how I earn money page and stress that affiliate automation is used here so that any link might earn a commission. When I know it probably will, I’ll say so, and DriveThruRPG ones do,
Now, let’s dive in with all that tabletop news! (and more bullet points!)
Competition: Waxing On: The Karate Kid and Me
RPG news from Geek Native
- Sean Owen Roberson is the new business partner and Creative Director at Palladium Books.
- Geek Native has a small exclusive preview of the third edition of the Sojourner’s Moon RPG.
- The Mimic’s Vault has published a free to download The Meadows Player’s Guide.
- Andrew Eagle has published a free to download Dysparea: A Shattered World primer.
- At the Bundle of Holding, there are two deals for the Traveller RPG.
Spotlight: Bandit Camp
RPG news from around the web

- It’s not a good sign as Paramount Pictures has delayed the D&D movie to the end of March.
- Wizards of the Coast discuss their learnings from Spelljammer and how they will avoid the wrong sort of content.
- Crystal Sully is the new concept artist at D&D.
- IDW Publishing and retail partners are taking pre-orders for the Honour Among Thieves prequel novel The Feast of the Moon.
- Frog God Games will support Troll Lord Games’ Castle & Crusade line with their products.
- Alex Meehan looks at the upcoming solo RPG that’s about living a week with ADHD.
- Charles Ryan introduces Stealing Stories for the Devil.
- Steve Jackson Games release new merch with the Smiley Eye in Pyramid.
- Chaosium has hired Keris McDonald.
- Jonathan Hick’s Fireteam for rules light military sci-fi hits Electrum.
- Worldanvil publishes tips on designing the meta for worldbuilding and readies up for Worldember 2022.
- City A.M., the business newspaper, writes up Of dice and men: How Ian Livingstone conquered the nerd universe.
RPG reviews and interviews from around the web
- The TTRPG Factory reviews Monte Cook Games’ Planebreaker.
- Throat Punch Games shares a ring side report of Cults of Cthulhu.
- Rob Wieland reviews Into The Odd Remastered.
- MJR RPG investigates the Call of Cthulhu The Dead Boarder.
- Reviews from R’lyeh the dangerously titled Wight Power.
- Paul Mackintosh has reviewed Delta Green: The Conspiracy.
- J.R. Zambrano talks to Free League about the Blade Runner RPG.
- Julia Roth and Geek Girl Authority talk to Ron Ogden.
RPG new releases
- Solar Studios has released the 350+page magicless science-fantasy, 5e Redsky core rulebook and cheaper rules-only book.
- Geekstable has remastered The complete guide to creating Epic Campaigns and released The Practical Guide to Becoming a Great GM.
- Onyx Path already has a copper bestseller with the second edition of Scion: Dragon.
- James M Spahn and Gallant Knight Games have gothic horror with Castigant: Gothic Roleplaying in a Time of Inquisition.
- WannaBeGames wants to tempt you with The Means of Magick.
- Realmwarp Media has released their d20-based lower-class hero Wyrd Street.
- Max Jowett has published an RPG of flexible and themed magic with Urban Mages.
- Earl of Fife Games invites you to name your own price for the Heroes & Hardships quickstart guide.
- Sinister Pinion Games has summoned greater darkness with SHEAR: HELL – The Narrator’s Book of Secrets.
- Aces Games has published the horror VHS: Bloodlust in English.
RPG bundle deals
- Save $37 (100%) with Escape Box Games’ Welcome to Mastadon.
- Save $7.77 (23%) with Terry Catton’s Stars Without Number bundle.
- Save $3.00 (25%) with Studio M– and Dominion 5e + PF1e bundle.
RPG ideas, tips and discoveries
- Charles continues the Year Zero Worldbuilding series with The One Ring Vampire Lair.
- Liz and Steffie talk about the 2nd edition of Witch: Fated Soul.
- Ben and the Genre Polie share RPG tips when it comes to changing scale.
- DeAngelo Murillo at D&D Beyond offers help on Running a Session Zero for Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen.
- Leon Barillaro makes a case for playing solo games with others.
- Vicki Earland shares Dungeons & Dragons: How to Create Compelling Player Characters With Disabilities.
RPG Crowdfunding
You can see those Kickstarters and other crowdfunding campaigns that caught Geek Native’s attention over at Kickstarter watch. Here are some industry projects worth a mention;

- The Lost Colonies from Hal Burdick pitches “An alternate earth modeled on Colonial America highlighting the dangers of exploring a vast continent full of mystery.”
- Witness – A solo RPG from Matt Parkinson is working on “A solo RPG using a standard deck of card to generate a crime. Then you’ll a tell the story of the crime thought eye witness statements.”
- CUSTOM MODELS WITH YOUR HEAD, MEGA MINIS, FULL COLOUR, ECO from Gabriel Owen raises funds for “Become the hero by having your head placed on the body of any character and 3D printed in full glorious colour as a MINI and MEGA.”
- Female Warriors Art Collection from AiAlex introduces “Powerful Women depictions to be used in RPGs and Story Telling”
- Southside Experience – An 18-Card Universal TTRPG Setting from Hicktown Publishing raises funds for “Southside Experience immerses you into the underbelly of 1920’s Chicago, and is compatible with any tabletop roleplaying game system.”
- Meanders 5 RPG Maps: Terrain Expansion 2 from Kris McDermott proposes “40 new digital battlemaps for the Meanders series featuring Everglades, Caverns, Floating Islands & Wilderness.”
- gutter_PVNKS | A CY_BORG Supplement from Christian Eichhorn submits “Explore CY’s meatspace. Meet its people. Kill a few, make friends with others.”
- Defenders 3: Heiress of the Tundra from Derick William Dalton kickstarts “The choose-your-path adventures continue!”
- The Complete Dungeons at World’s End from Scott Taylor pitches “1E & 5E gaming mechanic swords & sorcery dungeon series done in classic orange spine hardcover style”
- Facets of Fate from Rogier van der Helm introduces “A card-based Tabletop RPG set in a dragon-filled world on the brink of cataclysm. Only you have the power to change your fate.”
- Dicebound Volume 3: The Mystic Codex from Dicebound submits “Sharp edge RPG dice packaged in a mystic codex box”
- Too Hot One Shot – Turn up the heat in your 5E game! from Fireball Forge suggests “A short, spicy one shot for the World’s Greatest Roleplaying Game! Packed with action, adventure, and really hot sauce!”
- The Strongbox Of Fate from Thomas Fuchs is working on “An all-in-one dice case, tower and tray designed for adventurers, game masters and tabletop gamers of all kinds.”
- Nightworld & Overworld: The Adventure Continues for DCC RPG from Eric Bloat raises funds for “2 Tabletop RPG Monster Manual zines compatible with Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG, inspired by retro video games.”
- Rye Alboa’s Festive Fear-Storm: A 5e Digital DnD Adventure! from Pro-Venture Hobbies is working on “Is this the year, can Christmas be saved? A festive one-shot adventure for 5e D&D and five stand alone dungeon encounters to enjoy!”
- Itza’s Guide to Dragonbonding: A DnD 5e supplement from Draco Studios submits “The definitive guide to dragons in your DnD 5e games, rules for dragon companions, dragon combat and ancient draconic rune magic.”
- Tales from the Trail Vol 2 from Jon Gibbons (Jade Monkey Studios) nominates “A plot point campaign and second volume of adventures for THE AFTER roleplaying game.”
- Angel’s Bacchanalia: Holiday Feasts & Celebrations for D&D from Morrus offers “A hedonistic solstice adventure plus enchanted gourmet meals and gastronomical spells for your D&D characters!”
- Array of Champions from Legendary Games Studios nominates “A new high fantasy game to create an enjoyable Table Top Roleplaying Game experience.”
- Assault on Santa’s Workshop (5E) from Matthew DeMino introduces “Help Santa re-capture his workshop from a creepy cult or die trying in this 5E one-shot adventure.”
- Gribble’s Guide to the Academic Adventurer 5e from David Barrentine is working on “Guilds, subclasses, spells, and more are waiting to be explored! An expansion to the world of Oranth.”
- MAPS MAPS MAPS – Volume #2 from Daniel James offers “Pay-What-You-Want, for 100+ assorted Maps created for Tabletop RPGs. That’s it, $1 is all you need!!!”
- The Rollo – Modular Game Table by Wooden Crane from Wooden Crane is working on “An innovative, customizable and modular board game table that you can roll over into a dining table!”
- 3D Printable Fantasy NPCs Vol 2 from Rafael Moreno Dominguez pitches “The best collection of NPCs and Props for all your RPG Adventures and Tabletop games. (Pre-supported STL Files) Part 2!”
- Frozen Halls – Hollow Adventures (€1) from XploringMap pitches “A system-neutral supplement for any RPG. Hand-drawn B&W fantasy art and tabletop maps. Random adventure tables. Homebrew items. NPCs.”
- The End of Kings Core Rules from Simon Todd crowdfunds “A role playing game set during the 17th century of the British Isles.”
- A Brazen Crown from Long Tail Games (Ash) offers “Minions. Spells. Blood and silver. A MÖRK BORG card game.”
- Wayfaring One Shots: Christmas Edition from The Monster Directive kickstarts “A collection of 10 separate Christmas One Shots which are designed ready to use for your next 5e game.”
- Delvingwood Collectible Game Terrain from Delvingwood is working on “Tough, beautiful and sustainable TTRPG and miniatures game terrain with more shapes and textures than any other terrain system.”
- Brimstock from Vivid Worlds pitches “A DnD zine to take your table to the monster music festival that’s heavier than hell”
- SaphFire Forge Company Expansion from Chad (Raven) Demaria pitches “Looking to increase what we offer to more than just our handmade dice. From dice bags and dice boxes to TTRPG minis and rolling trays.”
If there’s a source or news you think is worth monitoring, please get in touch or leave a comment below.