Planning a party this year? Perhaps one for New Year? You could let a zombie vomiting blood into people’s wine glasses make it a memorable one.
No, really!
You can get it from Amazon.
The brand is “Chris’s Stuff”, and so let’s hope they don’t want it back. The aerating red wine snuggles into the neck of your wine bottle, so the precious booze doesn’t leak; instead, it pours forth from the gaping maw of the zombie.
It’s 2 1/2 inches high with 1 1/4 wide, which is about right.
There’s some science to aerators too, but I’m not going to pretend I get it. At the heart of it is the idea that wine tastes different if there’s more air, and that’s what a good aerator can do. Is this zombie aerator up for the challenge? It would be fantastic if it were.
Impressively, Chris’s Stuff offers a lifetime guarantee on the model and Honey rates it as a best seller on Amazon. It’s had over 1,000 reviews and has a nearly perfect 5/5 review score.
Quick Links
- Amazon’s Zombie wine aerator.
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