Fantasy LEDs is a Kickstarter from Moonshine Miniatures that offers lightable 3d-printable props. It’s not a complete solution but the cheaper offer of pre-supported STL files for clever designs that work with lighting.
The campaign wanted only €500 to fund; with three weeks still on the clock, more than €3,000 has been pledged. There are more details on the pitch page.
Designed for the 28-32mm scale, which is pretty standard, the pitch for these printable props is both unexpected originalities for your terrain design and realism. A lantern in a canteen would glow.
The core set is more than 25 pieces, stretch goals unlocking more, and each can be lit up through readily available LEDs. I had a quick rummage on Amazon and found loads that seemed to fit, but it’s not my wheelhouse, so I know these LEDs are the right size. I’m unsure how the batteries would attach or where they would go. Moonshine suggests the Chinese super-warehouse Aliexpress is a good hunting ground and uses the phrase Led ball balloon to search. There does seem to be a difference.

There’s a free sample to download so that you can test yourself.
Backers supporting the campaign get the core set and stretch goals for a pledge of €9. That’s about £8 in Brexit bucks.
If you want to resell these, as you’re a skilful 3D printer, there’s a merchant tier at €36.
As is often the case with STL campaigns, the delivery date is really soon, in December 2022. That’s when the campaign finishes.