Hundreds of gamers are backing Andre Novoa’s deluxe worldbuilding set.
The Kickstarter campaign funds a suitcase-like box that contains 150 hex tiles, material things that look art-good and bring practical value to your gaming table. You can track progress on the pitch page.

The project will fund the box, a guidebook, 150 hexes, wooden river sticks, treasure tokens, players pawn, a hex sheet pad, postcrawls and a cloth bag.
While the campaign is about the physical box, there is a digital tier. Do 150 physical tiles sound like a lot? They’re divided into biomes (steppes, swamp, ocean) of 18 double-sided hexes. Together that means over a billion combinations.
What are postcrawls? Postcard-sized ready-to-play hex map concepts with objectives. For example, escaping a twin volcanic eruption or escorting a king across the map.
The Hexcrawl Toolbox is a deluxe worldbuilding accessory for use with fantasy roleplaying games. Contains 150 physical hex tiles for eight biomes, a guidebook on how to set up and run a hexcrawl, and a ton of fun extras for your games. Fully compatible with our Hex-n-Screen products, such as Undying Sands and Bottled Sea.

That digital tier is the first pledge level with a reward, and it’s reserved for $15 backers. Supporters who pledge that much get the digital assets and any applicable stretch goals.
You won’t be surprised to know there’s a leap to the physical copy of the Hexcrawl Toolbox. Backers must commit $75 to the project to unlock that tier.
Two dozen gamers have doubled up, promising $135 for two copies. That’s a cost-saving and a way to make bigger maps.
There’s a limited tier at $350, which includes six pieces of art and a random selection of black ink illustrations of the original hexes.
The campaign team estimates a May 2023 delivery for the project.