SYMA was due to be a ZineQuest offering from Alan and Gallant Knight, but the project has grown. The plan is to run the project now and for a print edition.
There are 12 days left on the clock, and the $3,500 campaign has been met. You can see the latest tally at Kickstarter.

SYMA is inspired by games like Dark Souls and Bloodbourne and the real-life history of the Iberian Peninsula and the medieval Church.
There are demons, undead saints and magic in SYMA and the mechanics are based on Breathless of Fari RPG.
Breathless works off of a “usage die” mechanic. As you roll your approaches or use your equipment to solve or address challenges and problems, you are looking for a 5+ for any unmitigated success, with 3-4 being a success with cost and 1-2 being a failure. Every roll reduces your die size by one step, so the tension in SYMA comes from deciding when you’re willing to risk the roll or not.

You can support the indie RPG by spreading the news. Backers who can contribute will unlock a thank you of the 68-page SYMA in PDF.
There’s one other tier and that’s for $25 and includes the smyth-sewn hardcore, with ribbon and endpapers.
Gallant Knight estimates January for the PDF and March 2023 for the hardcover.