Neverwake Games’ second DriveThruRPG publication is the free ChaosDream setting and core rules.
The download is 20 pages, offers the basic engine, which needs a d6 and 12 and introduces the setting.
There are seven God-like creatures known as Oaths in ChaosDream. Each has a distinct personality and role within the group. Realm, in particular, is the Oath of Creativity. The ‘body’ of Realms is formed of a dynamic, molecular substance that may transform into any form and condition. This substance is known as Sphereite.
Realm exploits its own metaphysical nature to generate many galaxies and dimensions within it for the enjoyment of the other Oaths as a mere playing board for the games between the Oaths. Many similar “universae” and “realities” have arrived and gone on the spur of the moment.
What makes ChaosDream different? In their own summary;
- Stats: This RPG is light on stat growth and a characters Attributes are based, primarily, on their species.
- Leveling up: Experience is not gained by simply slaying monsters or doing quests unless that is what drives your character. To explain, your character becomes more experienced by fulfilling up to four particular daily interactions with the narrative world around them. These ‘interactions’ may have to do with your characters life goals, interests, personality strengths and weaknesses, covering anything from cooking, solving crimes, taming creatures, hacking computer networks, and the list goes on.
- Personality: each character has Perks and Quirks which are a combination of physical and mental Traits which flesh out your character on a personal level while also explaining the consequences of those choices as a game play element.
- Skills: ChaosDream uses skill trees attached to classes. Most of these have three themes or focuses that are unique but blend well if you wanted to Branch out. An example would be the Grifter class which has the merchant, thief, and entertainer branches. Each class has over 20 unique skills which change how you tackle new challenges, having game-play mechanics attached to them that go far beyond simple value modifiers.
- Actions: ChaosDream runs on original game mechanics for action resolution. Mundane actions that some games may consider class specific, like ‘pickpocket’ ‘provoke’ and ‘crafting,’ are considered standard actions that anyone can attempt. How well a character does, performing an action, relies on a combination of 2 related stats Out of the total 9.

Quick Links
- Download: ChaosDream