Bogfolk has an arty RPG set in a rotting city where meatpuppets toil in dead-weight companies. It holds no punches, is what it is, and its roaring to life on Kickstarter.
The card-based TTRPG, complete with art from Strega Wolf van den Berg, asked for $4,000 to fund and did that in a day. You can see more on the pitch page.
Thank goodness for the subtitles. I didn’t understand much of the audio! Also, the Kickstarter page swears in text. I doubt it’ll bother you, but it might ping your work’s IT systems if evil snooping tech is in place.
Pronounced Laikoma (body) or, if you want, a mash-up of lich and carcinoma, Lichoma is based around the miserable lives of people in the megacity Wen.
The default game supports 2 to 5 players, and more can join if there are more card decks. The game uses d6 dice pools and interprets card text and images.
Lichoma is a political, dystopian RPG defined by ecological collapse, social strife, and body-based economics and technology. Character concepts and abilities are based on their cards but are otherwise freeform and interpretive, not bound hard and fast by classes or mechanics. This creative aspect is complemented by an intuitive, streamlined system. The core rules fit on a single card and include fast procedures for non-combat Challenges and violent Conflicts.

There are early bird tiers still live at the time of writing, and outside those backers who support the indie RPG with $10 will get a PDF copy.
If you’re able to offer $25, you’ll get the PDF and the augury deck, whereas backers at $60 get that, the map, the adventure, the c*nt booklet, the pamphlet, 6 postcards and (stretch goals allowing) dice.
Higher tiers add in playmats and t-shirts.
Bogfolk has August 2023 slated for their delivery estimate and is offering anywhere in the world shipping.