Outland Games and Chris Helton have easily exceeded their Kickstarter target for Action-Heroes.
It’s a system that encourages collaborative play and supports about three to six players and a GM. You can find out more and pledge from the pitch page.

Action-Heroes is a hybrid of old school and contemporary design ideas and aesthetics. The game can be played in the traditional way, where the game master constructs a world and the players explore it, or the group can use the offered tools to create the environment they will play in.
The game uses six-sided dice for everything. Character actions are determined by a roll of 3d6 (with modifications from character Attributes, Skills, or Abilities) versus a game master-set target number. The game simulates the “reality” of action movies, fiction, and comic books. Thus characters must be competent and “ready for action.”

A pledge of $10 is enough to get a copy of the PDF as a thank-you.
Stepping up to $15 is enough to get a print-at-cost softcover coupon. DriveThruRPG’s print-on-demand will provide the service.
$20 unlocks the hardcover coupon, which switches out with the softcover.
Outland, who now has plenty of Kickstarter experience, estimates a delivery of March 2023.