It’s rare to see the Bundle of Holding so busy, but it’s unusual times in the tabletop RPG world – and in the marketplace of games.
For the next three weeks, there’s another collection of games that aren’t D&D. This time, the offer goes by the tell-us-straight title of Alternatives to D&D.

Starter Collection – $9.95
The retail value of these DRM-free downloads comes to $58 and includes several highly acclaimed titles.
- Five Torches Deep
- Tiny Dungeon
- Chivalry and Sorcery
- Basic Fantasy RPG + Field Guide
- Lightmaster
Bonus Collection
The threshold price, which changes as people decide how much to offer the bundle, started at $27.95. Gamers who meet the current tally get a further $107 worth of downloads.
- Dungeon Crawl Classics
- Shadow of the Demon Lord
- HackMaster Player’s Handbook
- Fragged Empire 1E
- Fragged Kingdom
There’s no charity partner for this deal, but the offer does support indie publishers.
Quick Links
- Bundle of Holding: Alternatives to D&D.