Canadian team Standard Studios have hit their Kickstarter goal for Bronze Age: Collapse. The game will use open source rules, although there’s barely a mention of that plan, and sets the collapse of the world with Mesopotamian and Egyptian adventures.
It’s a sword and sorcery RPG inspired, in part, by epics like Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey and the Epic of Gilgamesh, but also Howard and Lovecraft. You can see a trailer video on the pitch page.
Join Achilles and actual gods in the siege of Troy, and confront the sorcerers of Babylon as they attempt to conclude a devastating ritual and become legendary monster slayers. That’s the pitch.
Standard Studio promises quick combat to keep players engaged, abstract magic with a focus on story and symbolistic ritual and three adventures if you can pledge enough financial support.
We’re told in a comment that character gen should be done within 30 minutes, and the system uses a talent tree for progression.
Sorcerous characters follow the creed of: The Binder, who knows the words of power to bind creatures and Demons to their will. The Master of Symbols, a caster of rituals who is familiar with, and sees the symbols and patterns present in meaning, story and coincidence. The Speaker, a weaver of words who knows and peruses words of power to meet their own ends, and one who has a knack for diplomacy.

The Myrmidon Edition is the reward for backers with CA$10 (about £7), and that’s the PDF rules, a mention in the credit, the three adventures and access to Discord.
At CA$18, a softcover physical book from DriveThruRPG is added to the rewards.
Backers with CA$30, about £19, get the hardcover book in the Assyrian Edition tier. The prints are coming via DriveThruRPG, and worldwide shipping is offered.
Boldly, Standard Studio says shipping is included with your pledge! Anywhere in the world, shipping is supported.
The estimated delivery for the project is April 2023, with the PDF edition coming out even earlier.