Carbon 2185 is a 5e cyberpunk RPG from Dragon Turtle, which excited interest, ran into frustrations and then partnered with Bancroft Publishing to push through those troubles and get stuff done.
At the time, Dragon Turtle promised “a renaissance of official licensed, canon, Carbon 2185 content”. Now, step up Dead Channel Studios and the officially licensed Legacy Rising.

The player characters in Legacy Rising will join the Fragmented Legacy, a shadowy group led by A.I. holograms operating in San Francisco society’s shadows to advance their hidden purposes. The cyberpunks assist the Fragmented Legacy in consolidating their dominance in the shadows by pushing, prodding, and shooting their pawns into the proper positions.
Dead Channel Studios is neither Dragon Turtle nor Bancroft, but there is a connection to indie publisher behind the Flower of Lythillium series. Lewis Scott Fraser, who founded Dead Channel in 2020, previously worked at Dragon Turtle.
Legacy Rising is the first officially licensed third-party product for Carbon 2185. Lewis told the press;
I’m excited to be working on and publishing official Carbon 2185 content. I began my career in the Tabletop RPG industry working on Carbon 2185 at Dragon Turtle Games, and it’s great to be working on the game again.”
There is huge demand for official Carbon 2185 content, and we are here on Kickstarter to give people what they want.”
As part of the license deal, as hinted at in the Bancroft news, Legacy Rising is now Carbon canon. Lewis explains;
Legacy Rising may be ‘officially licensed’ and ‘third party’ but that doesn’t mean that it is not canon in the lore of 2185 created by Robert Marriner-Dodds. These missions are 100% canon and official Carbon 2185 content. The team at Dragon Turtle Games, while not involved with the development, do have the full power to veto any of our ideas that they do not believe fit the universe. Luckily so far we have seen eye to eye.”
Legacy Rising comprises four independent missions that may be placed into an existing campaign or run as their own. Each task comes with two variants appropriate for different character levels, so you may choose ones that suit your squad regardless of their level.

A pledge of £16 will get backers the PDF and stretch goal rewards, though you can support the campaign for any amount or by spreading the news.
There are early bird tier offers; otherwise, the core rulebook combo of Carbon 2185 and Legacy Rising in PDF is the next tier up at $32.
The last pledge level is £48, which gets both PDFs, the cities sourcebook, and PDFs called ‘Interlinked’ Carbon 2185 and Map Pack.
The estimated delivery date isn’t that far away, in March 2023.