One D&D will have a digital toolkit, and Wizards of the Coast has just backed off attempts to exclude VTTs and other toolkits from the OGL. Demiplane must have been waiting in the wings or inspired to act.
I’ve called 5e Nexus “D&D-compatible”, which is the essence of 5e, but the platform is intended to support indie publishers and the community.
Demiplane has outlined a three-stage rollout in mind;
Stage One: 5e group creation and group-finding tools are now available as a pre-launch. These are based on proprietary technology that compares preferences to discover the optimal matches between players and Game Masters. This allows participants to play in any way they desire, whether through built-in video, voice, chat, and dice rolling service, their preferred VTT, or just as a tool to identify, schedule, and organise their in-person tabletop game.
Stage Two: The early access launch in spring. Demiplane’s Digital Reader and Rules Compendium tools will be included, making it simple for 5e enthusiasts to discover, learn, and play games from various of their favourite 5e publishers. Digital Reader books have integrated tooltips, drill-down sidebars, and cross-references that cover a player’s complete digital library to decrease the time it takes to learn and prepare. The Rules Compendium is for game rules information. It categorises and classifies the most commonly used game elements so players and GMs can find precisely what they need without disrupting the game’s flow.
Stage Three: 5e games from independent producers and third-party publishers provide players with more options. Character Tools on 5e NEXUS will take character development to new heights with a character builder and digital character sheet.
Is this the sort of 5e use that Wizards did not want? Perhaps, but it feels like a healthy contribution to the community. The challenge Demiplane faces is whether there are enough 5e players still looking for digital solutions.
The publishers will be vital. Popular games, creators and publications could lean into their adoption of 5e Nexus and bring people with them.